Wednesday, July 2, 2008

You Can Get Water from A Stone!

Ahhh...Summer!  What would it be like without a refuge of H2O?  She bought me the requisite seasonal furniture--an inflatable pool--and today we tested it out.  She thought with age (I'm 3 years now) I would be able to handle soft (and delectable) plastic inflatable items.  Was she wrong!  My brand spankin' new pool is layered inches deep with (the Alaskan method of repair-She doesn't know any other way) duct tape (I much prefer Duck Tape) already.  So much for growth.  Four paws out-weigh 2 legs!  Double Duty!  Regardless, I enjoyed my brief and wet moment in the Sun.  Now the item of my desire (and the preface for the Summer of my discontent) sits beaten on the lower deck (poop deck?) waiting for a reprieve from non-use.  I like water.  Did I say I like water?  I do!  She hates dirt and has some phobia about water that doesn't come from a tap.  This adds up to not much water adventure for this pup.  I'm a Labrador Retriever for Nature's Sake!!  Because She so clearly adores me (I'm first saved in Her "Life Boat" scenario) I tolerate all kinds of whimsy and anal-ism from Her.  She knows me pretty well.  When the seasonal watering hole/water activity is blown up (as in inflated) She is the first to bring the floating Hermit Crab, the Wiggy Ball, and my favorite, the Flippy (appropriately encased in, yes, duct tape).  He is less considerate during pool activity time.  Although I have to admit, He doesn't care if I eat grass along the trail, deer poop (rating=PG), etc., and I get more sniff-time along the trails (She likes forced marches).  Regardless of 2-leggeds' quirks, I'm enjoying Summer despite the fact there is no water in a desert.

1 comment:

Scott Abbott said...

You didn't mention the meat he gives you (she's vegetarian).